Street Art Regatta | Ruth Burotte
Ruth Burotte – aka RUTHLESS – is back!! This time, the South Florida-based artist made a splash by applying her signature style to boating sails. The Broward-based project was made possible by Clare Vickery from Grace Arts Florida, a Fort Lauderdale-based non-profit.
00:00:00:08 – 00:00:21:12
I wanted to do something to actually connect with the water in a way of have it exist in its own thing. So I got inspired by the Japanese woodblock printmaker artist Hokusai, who made his famous works, The Great Wave of Kanagawa and just the way how he like kind of illustrated his waves to be like this organic form.
00:00:21:19 – 00:00:39:23
So I kind of wanted to channel that as well into my own work of something, having something organic to me, like my characters and just having like the different elements of like the waves in the water. To be a part of this super bashful but very graphic piece was something that I kept in mind when I was creating the piece.