Social Comedy with Comic Cure
On a muggy night in late August, Comic Cure and Miami Theater Center hosted the 2nd installment of the Miami Shores Summer Comedy Series: Ladies Night Out.
The night featured three funny ladies from the lesbian community: Bear Webb, Quills Rodriguez and Shana Manuel.
Proceeds from Ladies Night Out benefited Pridelines, a non-profit organization that supports, educates and empowers South Florida’s LGBTQ youth and the community at large through safe, affirming programs and services to promote dialogue, wellness, and foster social change.
The lesbian-themed evening that benefitted the LGBTQ community fit into the objective of Comic Cure, a for-profit business that began in 2015 with the simple mission of using the power of comedy to engage the community and develop promising, local talent.
Comic Cure produces live comedic events showcasing this talent to raise awareness and funds for local charities. Using the unifying power of laughter to engage communities – their goal is to inspire hope by energizing audiences.
Comic Cure specialize in matching comedians with non-profit organizations and mission-based companies.
The relationship between Comic Cure and Miami Theater Center developed through the Social Entrepreneurship Bootcamp, a program founded by Rebecca Fishman Lipsey that is an intensive development experience for cohorts of social entrepreneurs who are ready to grow their organizations.
Both Stephanie Ansin, founding artistic director of Miami Theater Center, and Benjamin Leis, co-founder of Comic Cure, participated in the bootcamp and their working relationship is a direct result.