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Public Transit Day

Public Transit Day brought needed awareness to the county’s public transit system and many of the issues surrounding it. We embedded ourselves with event organizers to better understand the mission behind #PublicTransitDay.

Included in our coverage are Carlos A. Giménez, Mayor of Miami-Dade County; Rebecca Fishman Lipsey, Founder of Radical Partners; Marta Viciedo, Co-Founder of Urban Impact Lab; Alice Bravo, Director of Department of Transportation and Public Works, Miami-Dade County; Javier Soto, CEO and President of The Miami Foundation; Agustina Woodgate from; and Pola Bunster and Isabella Acker of Prism Creative Group.

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Aaron Glickman282 Posts

Founded by Aaron Glickman, a documentary filmmaker native to Miami, Current.Miami is a digital media platform that tells hyper-local stories through the use of video.


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